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Had an awesome time working with Amigo Del Mar (Friends of the Sea). This is an incredible ministry, equipping kids with education and challenging them to dream bigger than they thought possible. An incentive to attend classes all week is spending the weekend learning different water sports with their teacher, Pedro. We were so blessed to share in this ministry and I’m beyond excited about what is being done by this inspiring organization.  


For more info on this ministry check out what Pedro is doing here

Cuenta de Ahorros Bancolombia # 789-388758-20
Instagram: @amigosdelmar

6 responses to “Video: I’d Surf Till The Sun Sets”

  1. Surfing is difficult. How did you do? It looks like a great program for kids.


  2. What a fun way to incorporate ministry into the lives of these children. I enjoyed watching the video and know you enjoyed this adventure tremendously!

  3. So many unbelievable experiences you are and will have! Days like that help with the ones that are a bit more challenging along the way! Be safe!