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I was given the opportunity to speak about my trip to both services at my home church. A love offering was taken afterwards and I was given another $1,000 for my trip! (p.s.-If you have time, watch the whole service, it’s especially good!)

If you saw any part of this video, you can tell I have been blessed with an incredible church family!! Growing up at South Lake Wales Church of God has given me a huge group of spiritual mentors, leaders, friends and family. I know the beginning of my “turning point” began when I first walked through the doors as the new office manager a little over two years ago. This has been a life-altering season of change, growth, discovery, laughter, friendship and love. 



This has been an unforgettable time in my life journey so far. Please know that wherever I am, my compass will always lead South.

Love you all!! 


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