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In case you are wondering how I got here, I will be completely transparent and admit that it was no thanks to me. In fact, God got me here in spite of my many failed attempts at ignoring His will and trying to control my own life. As good as my plans seemed, God just wouldn’t agree to them, (crazy right? I certainly know what’s best for me!) Two days after my college graduation I began working a “summer job” at South Lake Wales Church of God as the office manager with plans on beginning graduate school in the fall. Desperate to pick a field, I applied to different schools and internships, finding a closed door everywhere I turned.

For the longest time I struggled with what to do with MY life. I felt myself floundering, being torn in ten different directions. Wanting one thing and then flaking out. My “dream” changed from one day to the next. I couldn’t understand why I felt so lost, why God seemed absent in my desperate search for His will. I was aching for an epic purpose!! I 100% felt that God had this huge plan for my life, but was completely clueless as to what that looked like. People would say “just pick something!” “What are you good at?” “Just figure out what you want to do with your life.” Never have I felt so confused, so alone.

When finally, I woke up. Suddenly I realized why I struggled so much with my life’s purpose. It wasn’t MY LIFE. It never was. What I was aching to do more than anything was God’s will. So after a year of dead ends, I stopped spinning in circles and pursuing earthly success, and began focusing on having a personal relationship with my Creator. I couldn’t believe how quickly I found peace in Him.

It wasn’t too long after that I heard about the World Race. I immediately wrote it off as impossible. But the idea kept coming back to the forefront of my mind. This trip I wouldn’t give a second thought to, quickly became the ONLY thing I could think about. So for 3 months, I did my research, praying and meditating over this idea. Finally, I felt sure that God was calling me to do this and filled out an application. Once accepted I felt an overwhelming confirmation that this was God’s will for me and began preparing for this crazy journey!

Although I felt stuck for a long time, I now understand that God knew exactly what He was doing. While working at South I was blessed with amazing mentors, teachers, and friends. They helped soften my heart to changes I needed to make in my life and better prepared me for the decision to set out on The Race. My love for South and the family it has given me has been an incredible plot twist I thank God for every day.

You see, the only one getting in the way of my future has been me. But God is so good! I thank Him every day for his patience and love for me. As soon as I handed control back to Him I began to see the pieces of the vision He has set before me, and it is WAY better than anything I could have imagined for myself.

Mark 16:15 “And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”

A short trip to Honduras gave me the push I needed to apply for the WR. 

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