
Explore My News,
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“You will receive a tsunami of spiritual help”, was the prophecy spoken over Rich and his wife as they faithfully did ministry in the town of Ishinomaki for the last seven years. 

Living in the town that was hit by a devastating tsunami in 2011 they have more on their to-do list than they could accomplish in twenty years. This is why having an added manpower of 19 people was such an incredible blessing to them, and they saw it as the answer to the prophecy they had received. They opened our eyes to what it looks like to walk with the faith of Abraham, working for a promise not yet seen and resting their hope in the God they know and trust as a good Father. 

We took part in so many projects to help lift their burden and fan the flames of the Holy Spirit throughout this little town, and Rich often likened us to the story in Numbers 20:8, when two men held onto the arms of Moses so that his staff would not touch the ground and they would win such an important battle. 

This is a look into the many (but not all) ways we worked together as a body to further the Kingdom. The beginning includes a song written and performed (FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER) by Stone at one of the concerts we held.

“The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.” 2 Peter? ?3:9? ?NIV??

Goodbyes are always hard, but knowing the Lord is in control gives me peace and confidence that as we leave, we were part of something so much bigger than ourselves. God will continue tending those little seeds of faith, not only in the people of Ishinomaki, but in us as well. 

9 responses to “Video: Arigato Japan”

  1. This is such a fun and interesting video to watch. The town is so beautiful, and amazing after surviving a tsunami not so long ago. It is a visual of HOPE! Prayers and love to all.

  2. So great to see a glimpse of all you’ve done and the wonderful people you’ve met in Japan. What a blessing to be the tsunami of spiritual help needed, and to receive so many blessings in return from your experience. Sending love to the team and praying always. Much love, Mom

  3. Great work on an awesome video! Love it! Look forward to more videos of you and the team speaking the love of the Gospel! ???????!

  4. I guess Japanese letters/kanji show up as ? here…Otsukare-sama deshita !(Thank you for your hard work!)

  5. HEIDI AND YOU TOGETHER IN THE SAME PHOTO!?!?!? Beautiful. Love the video. Thank you.

  6. Emily! I watched the whole thing while I was cutting papers for my students! So beautiful!

    1) I miss you so much
    2) I love the song in the background for the first part
    3) awww the people you met with Machu Picchu warms my heart!!!
    4) this makes me want to go to Japan – trying to save up because my editor thinks it could be a good idea to go to Japan next summer for the Olympics to market my book!
    5) It made me need to talk to youuu

    Love you!! Keep shining bright, and thank you for making videos and updates! I know how long it takes. Praying for you today.

  7. Great vid!!! I’ve watched it several times. I love Japan and what J’s Cafe is doing. Thanks, Emily!

  8. super blessed that you guys came along side us.
    praying for the rest of you guys’ journey.

    missing you guys and much love from Japan.