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“Together. Forever. Friendship.”

Those are the words our lovable host said to us as we posed for this group photo in the train station. He and his brother waited with us and put us on the train as we said goodbye to Rudny and all of the amazing friends we made in such a short time. 

A week prior, after almost ten days of traveling, we arrived at the station, exhausted and a little smelly. The pastors’ enthusiasm was hard to resist and we gladly agreed to being ready within two hours for breakfast and about eight hours of church.

Our hard work and perserverance paid off, and it was one of the best weeks of ministry I’ve had this year. I loved working with Team Jubilee and getting to be on an “all girls team” again. Such an awesome group of young women (and Matt of course!)

Along with helping the church staff with their many ministries we also milked a cow, dressed up in authentic Russian clothing, had more tea than in my entire life combined, and experienced cold so extreme it freezed the snot in our noses as soon as we stepped outside!!

God is moving powerfully throughout this country and the timing seems right for Christianity to leap into action!! It has been such an incredible time already, and I am excited to see more of these unfamiliar countries that are so rich in culture, hospitality and joy.

“We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”– 1 Thessalonians 1:3



7 responses to “Video: Together Forever Friendship”

  1. Thanks for the blog and video Emily. Great job and awesome God directed opportunities. Stay warm!

  2. I loved this video! What a lovely thing God is doing, the doors being opened and the great encouragement He is providing to His Kingdom families!!!Love and prayers!!

  3. LOVE the video, Em!!! Miss you and praying for you! Keep bringing the light everywhere you go!

  4. Love the video, Ems! You and Matt were such blessings to Our team! Can’t wait til y’all join us again!

  5. Thanks, Emily ! Loved it and I am SO excited with and for all of you!! You are an amazing squad lead by an AWESOME God

  6. I love this beautiful video. How cool that you and the team are the first missionaries to this town. What a blessing and honor. Continued prayers that God will work in and through all of you to bring His love to the world. Much love, Mom. XOXO